(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... to the principles of the Howard’s garden-cities theory, published in the book “Tomorrow: peaceful path to real reform” (1898). The extremely rapid penetration of the theory to the Far East became possible ...
Boris Sokolov
Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
Stowe, Richard Temple’s estate at Buckinghamshire, became a model of the landscape garden style as early as in the mid-18th ...
Dmitry Shvidkovsky
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Russia
The рареr is devoted to the origin of the landscape garden in England. It gives a short account of the history of the ...
The selection committee has chosen a children's drawing to serve as the emblem of the 2024 conference. The contest was open to children and teenagers aged 5 to 14 and took place in November-December 2023. ...
ЛЕОНОВА ЮЛИЯ ВАДИМОВНА (Айдеал Спейсез Воркинг Груп, Израиль). Золотая клетка пророка: архитектурно-компаративный очерк о домах Х. Н. Бялика в Тель-Авиве и А. М. Горького в Москве
Vladimir Koshaev
Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts, Russia
Art as spiritual purity comes from a paradise garden — a secret desire of a creator to achieve a revelation, ...
... The opera performance was conceived as a jewel in the program of festivities or “festivals”, which included a walk through a garden with entertainment, refreshments, dramatic and musical performances, ...
Viacheslav Tsivatyi
Diplomatic Academy of the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine
The era of transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance is rightly recognized as a period of innovative ...
... as well. The analysis of such subjects as the finding of a flower, wedding scenes, depiction of a flower in a naiskos, Eros in the garden (possibly in the Orphic context) represent next research steps. ...
... 18th – 19th Centuries
3.5.9. Iurii G. Tulupenko (Herzen State Pedagogical University, Russia) Antiquity in the 18th-century English Garden: Aesthetics and Politics
14:00–15:00 Break
3.5.10. ...