Issue 13, 2023 is now available both online and in paper version. .
915 pages, 11 sections, 67 articles, 83 authors from 8 countries - Russia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Iran and ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
Allan Doig
Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, Great Britain
From 1918, the Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg, editor of the avant-garde artistic journal “De Stijl”, had been in touch with ...
... Flanders and Holland, Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain. In these countries the family representation developed to become one of the main motives of portraiture since Renaissance.
The paper offers ...
Allan Doig
Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, Great Britain
Stated contentiously, the proximate cause of the Reformation was architectural, insofar as it was the rebuilding of St Peter’s ...
Agnes Kriza
University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Western iconographic adoptions of Russian icons are exceptionally rare up until the 16th century. The famous Four-part icon of the Kremlin ...
3.6.10. Lada S. Balashova (University of Essex, Great Britain) Arturo Martini and Etruscan Artistic Traditions in Italian Art of the 1930s
3.6.11. Belinda Grace Gardner (University of Fine Arts ...