Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (11 January 2001)
Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland (2005)
Chevalier ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... historical center.
Some architects proposed to establish a memorial in the western part of Vasilyevsky island, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland so it could be regarded as the city’s propylaeum. The ...
... Finland
Helsinki University
University of Turku
Centre Roland Mousnier, Paris Sorbonne University
Musée national d’art moderne Centre national d’art et de culture Georges ...
... Museum of International Art, Beijing, China.
State Museum of Art, Shanghai, China.
State Art Gallery, Mandal, Norway.
Art Museum, Tampere, Finland.
Kadriorg State Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia. ...
... University of Freiburg, Germany; University of Hanover, USA; Dartmouth College, USA; Yale University, USA; Southwestern University, Texas, USA; Helsinki University (Finland); University of Urbino Carlo ...