... people of the Northen Caucasus. Such a statement will not look abstract if we take into account the following facts: widely established and developed sheep breeding, providing row materials; climatic conditions ...
КАЛАШНИКОВ ВЛАДИМИР БОРИСОВИЧ (Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Российская Федерация). «Греко-римская система с поправкой на национальные атрибуты»: Конструирование ...
... May 2012.
28 April 2014 was appointed the director of the Institute of History at SPbSU.
Academic interests and research: history of nations in the Northern Caucasus area, problems of nation ...
... the Caucasus and the Middle Danube in the 7th century AD.
By analogy based on the location of anthropomorphic and symmetrical zoomorphic images on fibulas the composition is reconstructed. It can be related ...