Tatiana Prudnikova
State Marine Technical University of Saint Petersburg, Russia
In 1950 Mejdunarodniy Prospect in Leningrad was renamed in honor of Joseph Stalin, which triggered its massive ...
... National Attributes”: Construction of National Styles in Stalinist Architecture on the Example of Georgia
Проблематика складывания национальных стилей в советских республиках в 1930–1950 гг. чрезвычайно ...
... to the Stanislavsky System
Tatiana Prudnikova. Reconstruction of I. V. Stalin Avenue in Leningrad in the 1950–1955s as a Phenomenon of the Renaissance Culture
Liudmila Titova. Manufactory as a Public ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... is still largely not known enough, or, worst, badly understood. Political reasons (shadow of ideology), stylistic reasons (lack of empathy for Stalin Era style, even larger distrust for Brezhnevian architecture), ...
... period, in fact, had two stages: the Stalinist and the Thaw stage.
My aim is to take a critical look at the political, ideological and cultural constraints that were framing art history writing during ...
... B. Griechischer Goldschmuck. Mainz am Rhein, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1985. 322 p.; 225 Abb.
Gatalina L.I. Chetyre krasnofigurnykh bliuda s zhenskoi golovoi v medal'one. Trudy Gosudarstvennogo ...