... в рейнско-маасском регионе.
средневековая миниатюра, христианская иконография, типологический принцип, модель и копия, романское искусство
medieval book illumination, Christian iconography, typology, ...
ЛИДОВА МАРИЯ (Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Муранский диптих, или сказ о том, как первые византинисты оклад искали
MARIA LIDOVA (Lomonosov Moscow ...
Art of the Balkans
Historiography of Russian art
Historiography of Byzantine art
Fundamental aspects of Christian iconography
Actual problems of Eastern Christian art ...
... Roman and Christian emperors are often depicted with the raised right hand well into the Middle Ages. The place of this gesture in Christian iconography is well-documented; it became a predominant gesture ...
... Near East had an influence on the early Christian iconography. It seems possible for architecture as well. It is necessary to pay attention to three main architectural features and their meanings.
The ...