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Ph. a Art History, Senior lecturer  
In 2009 graduated with distinction from the Department of History of Russian Art, St. Petersburg State university. In 2009–2012 she was working on her PhD “Works by John Atkinson and James Walker in the context of English-Russian artistic relations at the turn of 19thcentury” under the supervision of T. Ilyina. PhD completed in 2012. In 2011 had an academic training in London in terms of partnership with Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.

Ekaterina Skvortsova takes part in international conferences, including ones organised by the International Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia.


  • Graphics of the 18thcentury as a source of iconography

  • Arts education in Russia in the 18thcentury

  • History of private collections in Russia

  • Painting and reality in Russian art of the 18thcentury

  • History of Russian genre of landscape

  • Russian art of the 18thcentury

  • Russian art of the 19thcentury


  • Works by John Atkinson and James Walker in the context of English-Russian artistic relations at the turn of 19thcentury, St. Petersburg, 2012

  • James Walker’s early works // Art and the dialogue of cultures, St. Petersburg, 2012

  • John Atkinson and James Walker’s collaborative work on Britain // St. Petersburg State university bulletin, number 15 (“Art criticism”), St. Petersburg, 2012

  • “Painting traditions, rituals and entertainments of Russian people” by John Atkinson and ethnographic albums on Russia in the mid-18th– beginning of the 19thcenturies // Art history and pedagogy in the 19thcentury, St. Petersburg, 2011

  • John Atkinson’s role in the development of the panorama genre in Russian art // Actual problems of theory and history of art, St. Petersburg, 2011

  • Types of “costume albums”: J. Atkinson’s original album on Russia // Academic research. Problems of evolution of Russian art, St. Petersburg, 2011

  • “Collection of vintage fashions: Britain and Ireland, 7–8thcenturies” by C. Smith, prints by J. Atkinson: visual language specifics // St. Petersburg State university bulletin, number 2 (“History, linguistic, literature criticism”), St. Petersburg, 2011

  • J. Atkinson’s illustrations for “Miseries of human life” by J. Beresford and for “Carver...” by A. Evans // Actual problems of theory and history of art, St. Petersburg, 2012

  • Battles in J. Atkinson’s works // Actual problems of theory and history of art, St. Petersburg, 2011