Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

САНВИТО ПАОЛО (Берлинская высшая техническая школа, Германия). Развитие пространственной акустики в театрах Саббьонеты (1590) или Мантуи (1768) и сценическая архитектура

PAOLO SANVITO (Technical University of Berlin, Germany). The Progress of Spatial Acoustics in the Theaters of Sabbioneta (1590) or Mantua (1768) and Stage Architecture

Until a few years ago, the architectural history of the Renaissance only sporadically addressed the problem of sound regulation and optimisation inside closed spaces (in German technically: Raumakustik). Instead, nowadays we are currently experiencing the emergence of a flood of publications about some of the greatest European stage architects, such as Scamozzi, or the Bibiena architectural dynasty: in both cases they were very famous architects, to whom symposia and exhibitions have been dedicated due to the recurrence of some anniversary dates. Nevertheless, there have unfortunately been only isolated references to their views on the subject of theatre acoustics and very scarce research on their bequests in the field.

That is why, for about a decade now and especially in Germany, where some of Europe’s leading acoustics researchers are based and where the most lively debates on concert halls have been taking place, some core questions had to decisively get addressed. A. what level of acoustics the buildings of the ancient regime have been at; and B. what are the ways in which good acoustics could be achieved in architecture from the early modern period to the classical period (e. g. with Haydn) and through the Romantic era. The applicant has been working for several years, together with numerous colleagues, primarily of the Technical University Berlin, on questions concerning the understanding of sophisticated acoustics in performance spaces.

Later on, in the 18th century, many architects, such as E. Arnaldi or the Bibiena dynasty, were concerned with the improvement of technical as well as acoustic conditions and therefore left some writings on the subject, with a marked refinement of physical scientific devices or mechanisms. Arnaldi in 1762 sharply pointed out to the tragic condition of traditional theatres, which often burned down, just like it happened in 1749 in Verona with the Filarmonico-Theatre, which shortly before had been perfectly completed by Francesco Galli Bibiena. Arnaldi’s proposals for reconstructions of modern theatres on their turn very much follow the same rationalizing path opened on the one hand by the later Bibiena generations, with the Mantuan Scientifico theatre, but on the other also a path already experienced in the late renaissance by renowned theatre architects such as Scamozzi (1590).

The “Audiokommunikation” team in Berlin has most recently performed the evaluation and processing of the measurement results of the following interior spaces:

A. of the Teatro “Scientifico”, in Mantua; B. the Teatro degli Antichi in Sabbioneta.

The archived measurement results must be analyzed using related historical data. In the process, recordings of historically documented performances can be made for both houses in the anechoic chamber of the Audio Communication Department.

room acoustics, Sabbioneta, Mantua, Bibiena, Scamozzi

акустика помещения, Саббьонета, Мантуя, Бибиена, Скамоцци