... (1503-1572) and the polygraph, philosopher and iconographer, Benedetto Varchi (1503-1565).
As Varchi and Bronzino’s dialogue can’t be limited to the well-known participation of Bronzino in Varchi’s anthology ...
... Kuspit, R. Krauss, Y.-A. Bois) // Mavrodin conference, St. Petersburg, 2004
David Hockney’s works of the 1970s and “neoconservative postmodernism” // University historian: anthology, vol. ...
... and Its Iconographical Tradition: Legacy of Classical Antiquity in a Mediaeval Biblical Anthology
2.7.6. Roberta Cerone (Borghese Gallery and Museum, Rome, Italy) Cives Romani in Marmoris Arte Periti: ...