Abstract |
This paper deals with the Byzantine images of the Virgin with the inscription “Н ПЕРΙВΛЕПТOС” surviving from the 14th century. e traditional view on the images of the Virgin Peribleptos reflected in research literature seems to be somewhat contradictory. So far, there has been no detailed and comprehensive analysis of these artworks. The term “Peribleptos” is often used as an iconographic type, not an epithet, but it applies to artworks very di erent in iconography.
It was M. Tatic-Djuric who claimed that “Peribleptos” is a specific iconographic type, a variant of Hodegetria. In Tatic-Djuric’s view, this type is connected with the lost temple icon of the Constantinopolitan monastery “Н ПЕРΙВΛЕПТOС” founded by Romanos III Argyros (1028–1034).
The analysis of the surviving monuments does not con rm the classi cation proposed by M. Tatic-Djuric and leads to the conclusion that all the images with the inscription “Н ПЕРΙВΛЕПТоС” belong to di erent iconographic types, including not only various types of Hodegetria, but also of Glyko lousa. In the present paper, we’ve demonstrated the iconographic analogies between the icons without the inscription and the icons with the inscription “Н ПЕРΙВΛЕПТOС”.
The existence of any venerated prototype of “Peribleptos” is quite doubtful since the three surviving images with the inscription “Н ПЕРΙВΛЕПТOС” originating from two monasteries of the same name (in Ohrid and Veria) are of different iconography.
It is obvious, that in the occasion of “Peribleptos” the toponymical name does not correspond with the specific iconographic type. The surviving monuments do not allow us to use the term “Peribleptos” in the meaning of an iconographic type.
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